Friday, October 17, 2008


Happy Friday! We have a big weekend ahead, and I have had a frustrating day at work, so I am itching to get the fun started. Hopefully on Monday we will have tons of pictures to post of the party and the Buddy Walk, and I will come back refreshed from the festivities.

Yesterday, one of the women at work told me she had to stop having kids because she was "getting up there where they end up with Down's". Ick. I had to then say, "Well, I have a child with Down syndrome and it had nothing to do with my age." I hate to make people uncomfortable, but unless I say something, how will people ever learn? Sometimes I just want to stick my head in the sand because, hey, I didn't ask to be an advocate. But, I watched this video a few months ago, and it convinced me that I have to speak up for Lincoln's sake. It is a beautiful video made by a thirteen year old girl with a brother with DS. It is amazing how much perspective and compassion can be generated in such a young person.

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