Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Incredible Standing Wonder Boy

It goes something like this... Linc cries for a bottle, we make him a bottle, lie him down and give it to him. He drinks two sips, then throws the bottle, sits up and twists around to play with a toy behind him. He pulls himself up to his knees or his feet (whatever he can manage) and dejectedly plays with his toy table, hitting the same button over and over again so that a falsely cheerful voice sings the same phrase in a never-ending loop. Eventually, he cries again, and we put him back down with his bottle, which again lasts about two minutes until he is compelled to wander off to another distraction.

It's as if he doesn't want to do it, but his body is forcing him to exlpore and be active. In the evening, I sit on the floor with him, and he uses my crossed leg and my shirt to climb to his feet. At first, it's cute and he enjoys it, but eventually, he is in zombie mode. He stands up, falls down, stands up, falls down, and starts to look like he might actually fall asleep mid-climb. By the end, it's back to the bottle for brief spurts until I can catch him at a sleepy moment and put him in bed.

Sometimes it seems like motion with no direction. Just motion for the sake of motion. His body can do these new things, and so it does them, whether or not he wants to. Tonight, after a day of exploration, I put him in his crib too early. I guess he wasn't done with the frenetic manuevering, and now he is bouncing around the crib, chirping and nearly crying. The one problem with his new powers, it seems, is waiting for him to figure out how to turn them off.

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