Thursday, October 6, 2011

Journey Into Uncharted Seas

Sadly, the Hot Rod himself came home from school today feeling a little under the weather and over the course of the evening has become downright miserable.  Since I've been playing nurse, I haven't had much time to throw together a wordy post for the morning, so I thought I would share some pictures I took of the boys playing pirates in the yard a few weeks back.

You see, when Pirates set their sights on something, they declare their intent.  "Ahoy there, swing."

"Prepare to be boarded!"

 "Avast and ahoy, I aim to board ye, swing."

"Aarrrggh!" (That's not pirate speak, that's just the sound I would make if I tried to swing this way.)

"Sword overboard! Sword overboard!"

Meanwhile, pirate Nico was challenging me to a duel.  "Have at thee!"

"Mmh mmh nnff." (Hard to understand a pirate with his sword in his teeth.)

"Watch yer step or you'll feel the wrath of me sword!"

"But if ye share yer treasure, I'll be yer best mate."

I know, I know, photo posts are a bit of a cheat.  But just think, if I'd taken the time to write something out it would likely have included details of my evening, which for the record has been a joyous journey into the resurfaced contents of a certain little man's stomach.  Ah, the joys of motherhood.

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