Advocacy Lite

I call this page advocacy lite because it is in no way a full representation of the wealth of Down syndrome related resources and information available. These are just a few things that have given me comfort or inspired me, and many of them I have discussed in the blog itself. Just thought it would be nice to put them all in one place.

Article by young man with Down syndrome addressing the use of what we like to call the *R* word:

Beautiful video made by a sister of a boy with DS:

Article about siblings on the forefront of advocacy:

BabyCenter Down Syndrome Page (my bastion of support in the first year of Linc’s life):

DSACT (Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas):

New York Times article on woman who declined prenatal testing after having a child with DS:

Welcome to Holland (a beautifully written take on adjusting to parenting a special needs child):