Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Best Medicine

We spent our Saturday mostly in pajamas, the boys bouncing around the house like drunk little monkeys while I tried to get some overdue cleaning done.  Now that they are both in school, they are much less enamored with lazy Saturday mornings than they used to be.  They seem to think they should be constantly entertained on the weekends just like they are the rest of the week.

I, on the other hand, was pretty much immobile after my long run this morning and spent a couple hours resenting anything that drove me off the couch and up on my aching feet.  Nico wandered around moaning that he didn't have anything to do, but Linc just climbed up next to me and settled in to watch a movie.  As I sat there feeling exhausted and sore, I thought as I have so many times before, that there is something positively rejuvenating about Lincoln's presence.  He sat with his little shoulder pressed to my side and chattered cheerfully, if unintelligibly, about the television, the dogs wrestling on the rug in front of us, his water cup, anything that caught his attention. Occasionally he would lean his head on me or pat my arm happily.  By the time I was ready to get up and start the job joy of cleaning this poor, long suffering house and cooking food that my oldest would no doubt just refuse to eat, I felt renewed.

Being around Linc is good medicine.  His spirit renews mine.  Raising children is exhausting, and Linc is no exception, but there is also something profoundly uplifting about Linc that I can't quite explain.

And so, because I want to give you all a taste of Linc's restorative powers, because I needed some medicine today and maybe so do you, and because honestly I am out of things to say today, I thought I would share a quick video of Linc.  In this video, Sam has helped Linc build a tower out of stackable wooden figures (which Linc likes) so that they can knock tower down when they are done (which Linc loves).

Of course, being able to build these towers is great for Lincoln's development, and we are so proud of the him for having both the dexterity to manipulate these fragile structures and the wherewithal to understand the concept behind it.  But let's face facts here, all Linc cares about is the destructive portion of the exercise.  And all we care about is seeing that laugh.  That is good medicine.

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