Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mission Impossible?

This entry is from Liz’s mom, Kathy Nite.  Thanks, Liz & Sam for giving me this opportunity.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be the kind of grandparent who makes a loving impact on the lives of your grandchildren while being geographically separated by nearly 2,000 miles.  Sound impossible?  If not impossible, at least difficult.

We thought we were doing quite well with this by making yearly visits, reading and recording books so the children would remember our voices, sending pictures of Mimi and Papa and the current family pets and making regular phone calls.  However, when little Lincoln came along it made me realize that’s not going to be enough.

We were so excited about the birth of our fourth grandchild.  It was decided that Sam’s mom, Grandmother Mary, would be in Austin for the birth and we were to fly in a couple of days later.  This would give us a chance to see Larry and Mary Barlow as we passed the baton, plus we would have several days enjoying the family and new baby after they came home from the hospital.  The first call we got on October 1, 2007 was happy news.  The second call, about an hour later, was heartbreaking.  Sam broke the news that Lincoln had Down syndrome and then Liz got on the phone and we all cried together.  Little did we know they would spend the next 17 days in the NICU.  Papa had to return to Redding before Lincoln got to come home, while I extended my stay several extra days.  We all took turns visiting, rocking and singing lullabies to that sweet baby and held him every minute we were allowed.  Sam stopped by after work late at night (early morning) and read aloud whatever book he was currently reading.  No baby was ever shown more love and attention than little Linc during this time.

At the time we felt so sad and sorry that they were going to have such a hard life ahead of them.   My first thought, after the initial shock, was “we have to be there for them; they can’t do this alone; WE HAVE TO MOVE!”  Well, even though we are no closer geographically, they haven’t been alone.  Countless people have been there for them.  While I’m a little jealous that I’m not able to be there often, I know God has provided the support from other family and friends.  Like last year when Linc had to be hospitalized for pneumonia…I so wanted to drop everything and fly out but God had a different plan.  Grandmother Mary flew out, picked up Nicholas and took him back to Amarillo until Lincoln was released from the hospital.  We are so grateful for everyone who has had a part in being God’s hands and feet to the Myrick family.

Little did we realize that, although life is different and maybe more challenging in some ways, Lincoln has brought a new level of joy to the family.   Sam, Liz and Nico have all made adjustments and sacrifices to give the very best of care, therapy and love to Lincoln, and he, in turn, has rewarded them with adoring love, an eagerness to learn and a dedication to work hard and be all he can be.

Well, I’m already thinking about what to pack for our trip to Austin over the Thanksgiving holidays.  We’re making plans for pies, shopping, sightseeing and other fun.  But, most of all I’m looking forward to the time we’ll have to hold those little boys in our arms, read them countless books, go for walks and dance around the living room to wild and crazy music.  I can’t wait!

Here's the whole family in Nashville last Christmas.

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