Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Raising Yin and Yang

This entry is from Linc's dad Sam.

Lincoln and Nico are brothers. They come from the same parents. They are very similar. But they are also very opposite. Two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang.

Indulge a father with a short list of their differences:

1) Lincoln is already in school and Nico is not, even though he is two years older
2) Linc is not yet talking whereas Nicholas won’t shut up
3) Nico is intellectually bright while Lincoln is more emotionally gifted
4) Linc is easily contented while Nicholas can be demanding and restless
5) Lincoln has always struggled to learn how to eat but Nico was requesting steamed artichokes and crab legs at the age of two

This has proved challenging for their parents. Liz and I often feel like we suffer emotional whiplash from bouncing from one different parenting style to the other.

Example: Both boys are crying over some petty frustration. Attempting to deal with the situation, we introduce Nico to the intricacies of the logic surrounding his dilemma; yet we introduce Linc to a drink of water and big old hug.

Nico picks up on everything. He is precocious, verbose, wildly imaginative, and intense to say the least. His brother is none of that. Linc is more of the quiet, tentative type. He is more intuitive, immitative, and meekly pacific, at least he is when compared to his brother. Linc charms with his eyes rather than his stories, since he can’t yet speak. But, DAMN he is charming!

This dichotomy is hilarious.

Regularly our little family enters a scene; Nico prances along beside me, and Linc rides on my hip or in a shopping cart or stroller. The older brother will take over everything in his orbit. He’ll chat up the cute girl behind the help desk. He’ll strike up a conversation with the waiter or the cool guys hanging out in the clothing section. He will run off with the teenagers to hangout by the river running through the park. He will make friends, or he will at least entertain the crowds. He will actively engage people and they will eat it all up. Nico can have a group of adults rolling on the floor laughing in two minutes flat… and he will mean to do it. He is hilarious. I’ve never met a kid quite like him.

Juxtapose that with Linc.

While his clownish older brother is busy schmoozing the masses, Linc just sits back and observes. But, as I have said before, this kid has an aura… a presence. People are drawn to look at him even though he can’t really compete with his powerhouse of an older brother. Linc just smiles or tries to squirm out of his seat, and people will gasp out loud and run to see him. He throws out a high five or a fist bump to a random passerby and those same cool kids from the river will line up to give him another one. Lincoln regularly rushes the stage at live music venues. Often times he is all alone at the feet of the musicians and he has the entire crowd clapping and cheering for his heart felt dancing antics.

The thing about that Yin and Yang symbol is that, when you separate the two pieces, reverse the colors of one and turn it 90 degrees… they’re the exact same.

Linc learns his interactive skills from his brother. His provocative looks achieve the same thing as Nico’s stories. His fist bumps accomplish the same thing as Nico’s flirtatious compliments.
Nico is awesome. He will be just fine in this world. Lincoln is inspiring. He will be just fine too.

The difference between Nico and Linc isn’t really in their chromasome count. It’s in their dreams. Nico dreams of being an astronaut, or a Jedi, or a fireman.

But Lincoln has a dream too. He dreams of being Nico.

Someday, I pray that he realizes he has already surpassed his goal.


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