Sunday, October 19, 2008

Buddy Walk Day

Just got back from the Buddy Walk. We had a great time, and we will write plenty about it and include tons of pictures in the coming week. For now, I am including a poem about Lincoln:

I Hope You Know

That deep in the cumulous folds, in the pregnant hull
Where you were fashioned, every tiny molecule that crystallized
Was not cut into being, as a sculptor shaves the excess
And discards each unintended shard. No, you grew from within,
Sprung outward from the core as the explosion of a million
Precise fragments, and every peak and valley of your profile
Highlighted against the night sky boasts the same symmetry
As any other snowflake flying along with you. And if you ever
See some child’s hands with her mother’s scissors trying to mimic
Your shape in a folded piece of paper, as young girls do
At Christmas time, trying to produce some clumsy likeness
To hang on the holiday tree, remember how you were built
In that swirling womb. Know that when we watch you
Dance across the wintry backdrop, it is not to wonder
If you will dissolve on the heat of the impersonal pavement
But simply to see the wingless flight, and marvel.

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